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NOAA's Dr. Jane Lubchenco Visits NYSG & Its Partners (May 2011)
NOAA Administrator Dr. Jane Lubchenco: Climate Change and Climate Impasse
Ginna interviews Dr. Jane Lubchenco - NOAA Administrator
AGU FM11 - Jane Lubchenco NOAA's scientific integrity policy
Dr. Jane Lubchenco, NOAA Administrator, Speaking on the IWRSS MOU
6-30-11, NOAA Administrator Dr Jane Lubchenco MOU.MOV
Jane Lubchenco 05/24/11 | Charlie Rose
Question and Answer Session with NOAA Administrator Jane Lubchenco Part 1 of 2
Jane Lubchenco on Gulf oil spill, healthy oceans
2013 NMSF Lifetime Achievement Award - Dr. Jane Lubchenco
Bill Blakemore interviews NOAA Administrator Jane Lubchenco Part 2 of 5